Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 15-Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

I know that we are already practicing patience. You are keeping your patience right?
Today we start with kindness. What exactly is kindness? Here is what I have come to determine.

Kindness is:

Gentleness-doing all things in a calm, controlled manner. Keeping your voice at a gentle tone and your hands touch easily, not roughly.

Helpfulness-meeting the needs of those you love-doing what needs to be done. If that means cooking and housework then get to work, if that means driving someone somewhere then do it. If it means washing your daughter's favorite sweater at 10PM then do it.

Willingness-instead of being stubborn and pigheaded or complaining and making excuses, you look for ways to compromise

Initiative- take the first step. Don't wait for you hubby to come to you, you go to him and give him a kiss hello or goodbye. You make the first move towards creating a more harmonious atmosphere.

Time to put this into practice and see how your husband and your children respond.

Journal: What are your feelings about this exercise? Did you think that kindness meant so many things? Did you notice any difference in your family yet?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 14-Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Today is the day to take a break. Relax, have some fun, take a moment for yourself. (take at least 30 min for yourself)

Journal: How have you changed so far? How has your family changed? Do they notice a change in you? Do they respond differently?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 13--Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Today I offer encouragement. Continue to list your accomplishments. Remember that you only fail if you quit. We're into the thick of it and it's time to think about why you're doing this and what the outcome will be. I know you're tired. Just think in a couple of weeks you can go back to your old ways if you want to. For now, Game On.

Healthy hair and skin challenge: Take a picture or really examine your hair and skin in the mirror. Drink 10-8 oz glasses of water a day for the next 10 days. Reexamine your skin at that time. (I'll remind you) Your skin will be softer and clearer while your hair will be fuller and more alive.

Home Challenge: Make a list of things you would like to get done but just "haven't gotten around to doing" Sometime over the next 17 days I will issue a "Procrastination Time" That's when you will check your sheet and pick one thing on the list to do that day.

Journal: Say your thank yous and write down your motto.

Get some rest. Are you sleeping better at night? Write down a to-do list before you go to bed so that you aren't bothered with trying to remember. Sleep well!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 12-Mommy Makeove Bootcamp

Work your plan. This is the beginning of a new you, a new life, and a happier you makes a happier family. This is so exciting.
Take a moment everyday to tell the people in your life something you love about them. Just one thing (at least.)Remember to stop, breath and think. Did you come up with a motto/mantra? Write it down and read it once in the morning and once at night. Repeat it to yourself as often as you need to.

Tonight write down your thoughts about all you've accomplished so far. No negatives. Don't forget your five things to be thankful for lists.

Tips to help your progress:

Health: Drink four glasses of water (min.) per day and exercise at least 10 min. per day.

Financial: Create a list of needs vs. wants. Make a vow to spend only on needs for the next week/two weeks.

Spiritual: Spend 10 min with God everyday and write in your thankfulness journal.

Family: Create a family fun night. Try to eat at the table together 3 or more times per week.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 11-Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

How is your schedule going? Are you a conqueror or are you being conquered? Step it up girl! This is your life we're talking about. Stop being Scarlett O'Hara and saying "you'll think about it tomorrow". Guess what? We are NOT guaranteed tomorrow. So work your schedule and remember where it's going to take you. No more frumpy, frazzled, crazy mommy. You're going to be in control of your actions and reactions. You cannot always control what happens in life, but you can control YOU.

Before you go to bed find a quiet spot a reflect on how much you accomplished today. (Write it in your journal) Not what you didn't do, what you DID do. I'll bet it's more than you thought you could do. Make notes on what must be done tomorrow, take a few moments to get ready for the next day.

Create a mantra for yourself for when you're at a crossroads. Think deeply about this. Examples: I am in control of my actions. or How bad do I want this new me? or Do I want to give in to this feeling or take the steps to be a better me? or I am doing the best that I can. or I am stronger than this temporary problem.

Thoughts create feelings, feelings create action and action creates success.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 10--Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Time for action. Check your schedule for tomorrow and prepare yourself tonight. Set out some clothes, know what you're making for breakfast, set the alarm clock, etc,

Before you go to bed don't forget to make a thankful lists. One for the five things in your life that you are most thankful for, one for the five things you like about your husband, one for the five things about each of your children and one for the five things you know that God is promising for your future. (Your hopes and dreams)

Now get a good nights sleep and tomorrow we will meet again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 9 -- Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Insanity--doing the same things over and over and expecting different results

Here it is. The last day before bootcamp starts to kick your butt. Today's assignment/challenge is to break down your first week's goal into a daily schedule. No kidding.

The best way to do this is to break out your calendar. On your daily schedule mark down the events that are already taking place. If Sally has dance class on Tuesdays then write it in. Choir practice on Wed? Write it in. Now write in the other "knowns". What time to take the kids to school, pick them up, work time, meal times (yes designate meal times),etc.

Now take your goals for the week and determine the best way to break them down. Things to remember: grocery shopping (if needed), errands, time with kids, time with hubby, cooking time, clean up time, laundry, alone time, business (if you're a work-at-home mom), working on your budget, exercise, etc.

Here's some ideas to help boost your brain.

-if you want to save money then determine where you can cut back
-if you want to get healthy, take time everyday to exercise (even just 10 min) AND try drinking a minimum of 4-8oz glasses of water and work your way up over the next few weeks
-if you want a cleaner house pick one spot in every room that must be cleaning daily (in the kitchen-keep the sink clean, in the bedrooms-keep the beds made, in the bathroom(s)-keep the sink cleaned off and the toilet wiped down), try cleaning in 10-15min intervals-set a timer and go as fast as you can until time is up.
-if you want a good relationship with your family then spend at least 10-15 min everyday talking/spending time with just them. this may be reading a book or talking about the day's events or discussing some upcoming event, ask them what makes them feel loved, is it time with them? giving them a gift? making them something? Doing something for them? The kids will probably be easier to get answers from than your husband.
-don't forget to schedule in time to reconnect with God

Make time for everything you need to to reach your goal for this week. I know it's a lot. My day came up to 18 hours. But it's not forever. Once some of these goals are accomplished (like the decluttering) then the days won't be as long. You have to ask yourself "How bad do I want this new life and what am I willing to do to get it?"
Thin people, rich people, women adored by their kids and their husbands are NOT that way because they sit on their butt and do nothing. They had to work at it!! They MADE A CHOICE. Now it's your turn to make a choice. If it helps, get a buddy to do this with or at least one that will help keep you motivated. I will be here to help but I know sometimes it helps to have a voice to talk to.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 8--Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Goals. You have to have goals. Oh yeah, you have to write them down. Trust me.
I want you to go back through your dream pages and make one list of your dreams.

Example: Home
-to have a clean and decluttered place where my family can rest
-to have a new home with 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms

-to be debt free
-to have an emergency fund

-to reconnect with my spouse
-to be in love with my spouse again

Get the point? Do this for all of your dreams. When your finished I want you to go back and write a time period in which you want to accomplish this.(Preferably in a different color, but use what you've got)


-to have a clean and decluttered place where my family can rest -- in 6 months
-to have a new home with 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms -- in two years

-to be debt free -- in 9 months
-to have an emergency fund -- in 3 months

-to reconnect with my spouse -- in 1 month
-to be in love with my spouse again -- in one year (this depends on your relationship now of course)

After determining a realistic time period to accomplish this, I want you to work your way backwards in developing smaller goals to help accomplish the larger goals.


To have a clean and decluttered home in 6 months

Steps to take:
3-6 months decorate to our liking
by 3 months have routines in place to help keep the house clean and decluttered, have the house decluttered
by 2 months develop routines for deep cleaning and continued decluttering
by 1 month have routines for everyone to help with the daily and weekly cleaning
by week 3 introduce more responsibilites for the kids
week 2 develop and activate additional routines for myself
week 1 develop basic routine and stick to it

If it's a yearly goal then maybe break it down by 1 year, 9 months, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month, then weekly. If it's a two or more year goal then I suggest breaking it down like this: 2 year, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month, weekly. However is best for you. I like breaking it into somewhat small increments so that you can measure your progress easier.

Do this for each goal. I know it sounds like a lot. The past week has been a warm-up for your mind in order to get you to the right spot in your life in order to tackle the remainder of the month.

You can do this. Know you can. If you want to do the first half today and the second half tomorrow that's fine. You will have an assignment tomorrow, but it won't take up quite as much time. (I hope)

Side note: For tomorrow you will need some sort of calendar/planner, whatever you write down your appointments on.

This is all about you changing your life. No one else is going to do it for you and your "prince charming" isn't coming to your rescue. It's all about YOU. I know, I know, that's not politically correct. I'm not saying the world revolves around you. I'm saying that YOU are responsible for where you are. (Don't give me that victim whiny garbage.) Your present is a direct result of the decisions you've made in the past. Your future will be based on the decisions you make now. The fat won't melt off if all you do is sit on the couch and stuff your face. You make the decision by sitting or getting up and exercising. I am just as guilty as the next person. That's how I came up with this bootcamp. I was sick of simply existing. I wanted to live. So write down how you're going to get that dream life!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 7--Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Our title for today is Spiritual. I saved this for last because this first week has been about reconnecting with ourselves. Our dreams and desires. Your body, mind, and spirit are all connected. Search yourself for how you want your spiritual life to be this year. Do you want to be closer to God? To do more for others? To feel more at peace with yourself and where you are in your life?

Challenge: Spend 15 min. at the beginning of everyday connecting with God. Meditation, prayer, personal quiet.

Journal: What has God shown you about yourself/your life this past week?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 6- Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Career time! Maybe you're a working woman who wants to be a stay-at-home-mom(SAHM) or a SAHM who wants to go back to work, start your own business, move up in your career, go back to school, or increase your already existing business. Wherever you are in life, it's time to set some goals and get off your butt.

Challenge: Spend a minimum of 15min. a day working a plan towards your "career" goals.
This may mean reading more about your chosen career, business, or determining what it will take for you to become a SAHM.

Journal: List five reasons to persue your career goals.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 5- Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Welcome back. How are things going? Are you still keeping your patience with your husband and your kids? Are you excited about your house becoming a home?

Now on to finances. Grab your notebook and label a new page: Finances.
Take a good, hard look at your financial situation. Are you scraping by every month? Are your bills paid on time every month? Are they behind or are you having to choose which bill gets paid this month and which one has to wait until the next month?
Do you have an emergency fund? A retirement fund? College fund set up for the kids?

Challenge: Create a budget to live within/below your means. Start by listing your income and your monthly bills. Which is higher, income or outgoing? If your income is higher, then start tracking where all the other money goes. Keep a record of every transaction even down to the soda at the gas station.

Journal: What five things do you want to accomplish financially this year?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 4- Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Today we tackle our homes. Ok, our houses. Because is your house really your home? Get out the pen and paper and think about your dream house. Come on, sky's the limit, remember?

Now that that is done I want you to walk through every room in your house and write down how you could make it into a home. Is there clutter everywhere? Cobwebs hanging from the ceiling? Dust on the furniture or cheerios under the table? Or maybe it's just an ugly couch, hideous curtains, an old bedspread, or bland wall color. What would make it your home? What could you do to make it warm and inviting and make your family (and YOU) comfortable? The best advice I ever read/heard was that your house/home is the quiet/soft place where your family retreats from the big, bad world. How can you make your home that place?

Challenge: No complaining. I don't want to hear "my house is too small" or "but there's so much stuff" or "I'm broke, I can't afford to fix up my house". NO WHINING! Just write it down and no complaining to anyone about your home. Including to yourself!!

Journal: Five things you love about your home. No kidding. Start writing.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 3--Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

If today is your first visit to Mommy Makeover Bootcamp then start here. Notebook time! Today it's all about the kids. So under the heading "kids" I want you to do so serious thinking. Stop, breathe, think. What type of relationship do you have with your kids? Do you spend time(play) with them? Know what their hopes/dreams are for the future? Know what their interests are? Do you listen when they talk? I mean really listen. BE HONEST. This work doesn't do any good if you're lying to yourself.

Now, what type of relationship do you want to have? Think back to your childhood. What would you have changed from when you grew up? More alone time with your parents? Sharing your interests? Needed encouragement even though they didn't agree? What type of mom do you want to be? I'm not saying be supermom. I'm saying that when the kids are grown that they still come around (willingly) and that you have no regrets about their childhood.

Secondly, what type of grownups do you want your kids to be? What characteristics should they have? Responsibility, honesty, compassion, financial awareness, good personal relationships, basic household skills of cleaning-cooking and laundry?

Do you portray these things? I know I still struggle with my witness to them just as a human being. You are their teacher and their role model. Now is the time to not only work on yourself as a person but to figure out how to teach these things to your children.

Challenge: No nagging, yelling, screaming, talking down to your kids, comparing them to their siblings (or anyone else). PLUS-you must tell each of your children something you love about them-EVERYDAY. It can be something as simple as "You are such a good helper to make your bed." or how beautiful they are or how cute or how much you love their laugh/smile.

List 5 things you like/love about EACH of your children.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 2-- Mommy Makeover Bootcamp

Grab your notebook and find a quiet spot. On a new page write: Marriage
If you're not married then consider this page for your significant other or future partner. For the sake of this project this person will be referred to as your husband.

How are things with your husband? Put a label on it. Fantastic? Good? Okay? Comfortable? Bad? Considering the big "D"?
**disclaimer: if you are in an abusive relationship then by all means get help and get out.

Now close your eyes and imagine what your dream relationship would be. When you were a little girl, what did you expect your prince to be like? Yes, I know that fairy tale princes don't exist. But what made you fall in love with your husband? Would you like to have that feeling again? Write it down. Write down exactly what you want. Really. Put down your dream relationship.

Challenge: You are not allowed to nag, yell or scream at your husband for the entire month. You cannot talk bad about your husband to anyone including yourself. You also cannot talk bad to your husband. No negatives this month.

Journal: List five things that you love about your husband.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 1 --Bootcamp

If you haven't read the beginning or the contract then you need to do that first.

The first days are dedicated to getting in touch with your inner self. It's time to discover the real you, what you really want out of life. Grab a spiral notebook and a pen or pencil.

Write down: Physical
Now without thinking about the how, I want you to imagine what type of physical shape you want to be in. Would you be thinner, healthier, stronger? How about clearer skin or better hair? The sky's the limit. Write down your ideal beauty,health and fitness level.

Challenge yourself: This week--take notice of what you eat, how much you exercise, how much water you drink,if any, and what your hygiene/beauty habits are. You don't have to change anything yet, just pay attention to your habits.

Journal: Before you go to bed write down 5 things that you are thankful for. Anything at all.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Your Contract

I,(insert name), promise to devote the next 30 days to creating my best life possible. Failure is not an option. I have put the past behind me. I am not allowed to bring up past experiences or failures. I have a clean slate.

I will put 100% effort into the next month. If I want to go back to my old ways at the end of 30 days then I give myself permission to do so. However, the next 30 days are all about creating the best me and the best life I can possibly have.

Here is your promise to yourself. Jump in with both feet, don't hold back. I'm so excited for you!

Read this first

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mommy Makeover-It's Time!

It's here! The 30 Day Mommy Makeover Bootcamp. The next 30 days will change your entire life. Get ready to tackle the feelings of being rushed, being fat and/or being out of shape, always being behind, having a dirty/cluttered house, career frustrations, marital blues, being overwhelmed, not spending enough time with your kids, and so much more. This is about your ENTIRE life. You deserve the best life that you can have. No more waiting for your life to start. Quit wishing life away. You're life starts today!
(Guess what? It's totally free.)

The first week is all about adjusting our mental attitude. Time to put the past behind you. You may have tried and failed and tried and failed (I've been there). This time is different. You're starting with your mindset. It doesn't matter how many programs you've tried (and failed at) or how overwhelmed you are feeling (oh where do I start?). Take a deep breath and wipe the slate clean. Once you've conquered your mind you are over half way to success. There are many a story of survival and of success that starts with the reasoning that someone made up their mind to live and/or succeed and failure was NOT an option.